Sunday, November 14, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
2 Week Obersvation!
My 2-week observation was great! I was able to see a variety of teaching styles as well as two different schools on two different school systems.
The first school that I went to was St Andrews Secondary. I sat in on a variety of subjects. My first two days was spent in Biology 11 and 12, Fine Art and Socials 9. The Biology teacher was very sweet and gave me some insight into the ideas that she was trying to get the students to learn while she showed them overhead projected notes. I also watched them mix different chemicals to create solutions that were all-different colors. The students in this class were energetic and had a hard time sitting still but were still eager to learn and appreciated the chance to get up and do hands on experiment. The Social 9 class worked on some work sheets all at the same time as well as reviewed homework that they had done with the teacher keeping the pace of the class very quick and challenging, as a result the kids were quiet and trying their best to keep up but I feel a few were left behind. The art class was frustrating because although the students did have a challenging project (Making a painting on canvas) with many steps, the teacher did not do her best to inspire them to create and as a result they were largely uninterested and some were not working on the project at all. I also sat in on some French classes, which were great because they used sign language to get students to follow along and to repeat words. Also one teacher used a computer program that taught the students to read maps and give directions in French.
The second school that I went to was L'Ecole Brodeur and this was a better fit for me because the school has a very well developed Art program with some student even taking university level courses during their grade 12. I watched the teacher Stephanie introduce a project about Mandelas to her students. In this project students must create a personal Mandela that is geometric in form but also contain imagery that is personal and meaningful to the students. The goal is to make the students use both their logical and emotional sides of their brains. As it was close to Halloween the students also did a Scratch Art project where they had to appropriate images from the internet or other sources and then transcribe them into black and white images on a martial called "Scratch Art"; the student learn to examine negative and positive space in this project. Stephanie was also in charge of teaching a Home Education 9 class as well as elementary Drama. I watch many young students learn to focus and follow along to a choreographed "Poker Face" dance. Brodeur is an all-french school that is on the French School Board of British Columbia: Conseil Scholaire Francophone. and it was a great experience to have the chance to teach in French.
I especially enjoyed my experience at Brodeur and I hope to go back. I feel that this school has done a great job at inspiring students to appreciate the arts and to invest their emotions as well as their intelligence into their work.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Yunhee Min
Yunhee Min
I downloaded this imge from the artist's page onto the desktop. I then uploaded it into splashup. I fliped the image and polarized it.
In this image I up loaded the image into Sumopaint and aplied a lighting effect and then a blur effect.
I enjoyed this exercise because I did not know that online photoimaging programs existed. However I do not see myself using these programs in the future because I find much more limited than illustrator or photoshop. They are however a good option if you do not have any of the adobe suites programs loaded onto the computer that you are using at the time. .. very democratic!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Underwater Zombies From Outer Space!
Anitimater Festival is comming soon!